Collen (Casey) Wahlen

Wondering if the ceiling in the Canavans could hold us all! Watching Fr. Bob's house burn to the ground during nap time. Hike songs. Pretending to fish in the rainstorm on our overnight hike. Hours in the Candle Shop ...I can still smell that tooty-fruity oil! Meeting alot of very unique and special people.

Micki Didier

It was on a back packing trip up by Longs Peak. I think Nancy and Larry were there leading the hike. We went up to the top of Lady Washington. It was clouding up quickly. We pushed on to get to the top. My hair was standing up on end and everyone thought it was so funny. It started to hail so we practically ran down the mountain and did some glacier sliding ... What a trip!

Tommy Lankenau

I remember Parachute Men in the Chapel. Hard overnight to Sand Beach and Chiefs Head. Building survival shelters in nature lore. Taking brochure pictures with kids. Helping campers hit riflery targets for the fist time. Hiking across Alpine Tundra. Fr. Bob's sermons. Playing in the mud at Upper Beaver Ponds. Dressing up for Wa-Zoo or Lodge Night.

James Tarr

I remember Kevin Cunningham putting my mattress on a raft in the middle of the pond as a 'Welcome to Camp' gesture. Thanks Kevin! Brian Henden telling me, 'Real men don't drink Bug Juice'. Frisbee golfing on nights off and painting faces in the middle of the night with food coloring.